Special Issue Invitation for the International Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors (JMSS)
We are happy to invite you to submit a paper for the International Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors (JMSS) for the following special issues:
- Advances in sensor networks and its applications in healthcare systems
- Social Media Analytics and Sensing for Pervasive Healthcare and Well being
- Setting The Future of Signal and Image Processing
- Multi-Sensor Communication for Biomedical Applications
- Application of advanced techniques in healthcare for sustainable development
- State-of-the-Art Wireless Wearable Body Sensor for Healthcare Applications
- Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Identifying risks Post COVID – 19
- Appraisal of an affordable healthcare private blockchain network builds on Hyper-ledger Fabric
- Utilizing uncertainties estimation in predictive modelling and stochastic dynamics
- Secure Data Processing and Management in Intelligent Healthcare Systems
- Role of intelligent computation optimization algorithms in genomics and precision medicine
- Digital Image Analysis for Disease Detection in Medical Imaging
Please see the details of topics of interest and important dates, below: