Isfahan University of Medical Sciences Health Science and Technology is the first Iranian technology site specialized in Health. IUMS Health Science and Technology Park seeks to create a complete innovation system from university to local, national, regional and international markets. We seek to develop the necessary systems to create knowledge-based companies. Its objective is to serve as a center for knowledge exchange and to support the development of research projects. It also works actively to train a new generation of high-tech and ethical engineers. In addition, we are committed to creating wealth for the University through wealth is generated by the generating companies. We aim to push scientific frontiers in the biomedical sciences, we strive to strengthen our growing biomedical ecosystems. 40 companies and institutions are already up and running in the IUMS Health Science and Technology Park. They are include Medical equipment companies, Digital Health Companies and Pharmaceutical, cosmetics, health companies.
At the Health Science and Technology Park, there are seven technology clusters including:
- Food industry
- Pharmaceutical, cosmetic technologies
- Medical Equipment
- Digital health
- Modern Biological Techniques
- Health tourism